Jaquay Lamar Thomas currently has no work history.
{{ resumeSection }}
{{ resumeItem.title }}
{{ resumeItem.prominence_and_role }}
{{ resumeItem.full_description }}
{{ e.content }}
Endorsed on {{ e.completed_at | date:'longDate'}}. {{ e.worked_with_user.first_name }} worked with {{ e.user.first_name }} on '{{ e.resume_item }}'.
Endorsed by {{ e.worked_with_user.name }} on {{ e.completed_at | date:'longDate'}}
Endorsed by {{ e.worked_with }} on {{ e.completed_at | date:'longDate'}}
{{ c.name }} - {{ c.title }}
{{ resumeItem.title }}
{{ resumeItem.prominence_and_role }}
{{ resumeItem.full_description }}
{{ e.school }}
{{ "FOS - " + e.field_of_study }}
{{ e.degree }}
{{ e.school }}
{{ "FOS - " + e.field_of_study }}
{{ e.degree }}
{{ s.name }}

Additional Info

{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ [r.relationship_text, r.genre_text].join(' - ') }}
{{ r.company }}
{{ r.name }}
{{ r.address }}
{{ r.location }}, {{ r.zipcode }}
{{ r.main_phone }}
Currently no media available.
{{ mediaTag.name }} ({{ mediaTag.count }})
{{ [r.relationship_text, r.genre_text].join(' - ') }}
{{ r.company }}
{{ r.name }}
{{ r.address }}
{{ r.location }}, {{ r.zipcode }}
{{ r.main_phone }}

Additional Info

{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ [r.relationship_text, r.genre_text].join(' - ') }}
{{ r.company }}
{{ r.name }}
{{ r.address }}
{{ r.location }}, {{ r.zipcode }}
{{ r.main_phone }}

{{ media.viewSelectedTag.name }}

@Jaquay Lamar

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Additional Info

{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ [r.relationship_text, r.genre_text].join(' - ') }}
{{ r.company }}
{{ r.name }}
{{ r.address }}
{{ r.location }}, {{ r.zipcode }}
{{ r.main_phone }}

Hire Me / Rate Card

{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
{{ v.title }}: {{ v.values.join(', ') }}
Jaquay Lamar Thomas
Actor / Singer / Dancer - {{ users.getVital('Union Affiliation').join(', ') }}
{{ users.userData.user.location }} & {{ users.userData.user.location2 }}
Embracing my uniqueness is apart of my journey. I like when I discover something new about myself. I celebrate when I learn to let things go. The journey never ends, we continue to evolve into our greatness.